CrossFit Nishi Azabu | News
Athlete Spotlight Corey

Athlete Spotlight: Corey

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Corey has been participating in CrossFit for around 2.5 years now having learned about us through his friend who is the CEO of Spartan Races. He's had many amazing "first time" moments with us including walking on his hands for the first time as well as achieving his first bar muscle up! Corey recommends jumping right in to your first class and ignoring any worries you might have. There's so much to enjoy through participation that you won't regret it :)

Name Cornelius James Jarecki

Age Not too old, not too young

Where are you from? Pittsfield, Vermont USA (population ~350 people)

Occupation Risk Manager

How long have you been doing CrossFit? 2.5 years

How did you hear about us and what made you decide to start? My close friend Joe Desena, the CEO of Spartan Races, and his wife used to go to the box when they lived in Tokyo and continued trying to get me to join with them. Eventually, I tried it and have loved it ever since, just like they said I would.

What has been your most memorable CrossFit moment?

  • snatching 100kg - getting my first bar muscle up - walking on my hands for the first time - doing a early morning workout in my Dale Halloween costume

People you look up to and why? I look up to several people for different attributes: - My Mom Tricia: her ability to always be supportive, even if she disagrees - My Dad Ken: his ability to be empathetic and listen without judgement - My Aunt "Smella" Stella: her willingness and desire to always help and put others first - My Godson Nicky: his ability to ask any question he has and say anything on his mind - My Previous Manager Genevieve: her ability to lead large teams from behind and inspire young professionals

Favorite workout in CrossFit? Karen, Nancy, OHS 1RM

What advice do you have for someone just getting started with CrossFit? Forget what you have heard from others about CrossFit and give it a try. It has a little bit of everything and you won't really understand it until you try it a few times. If you stick with it, it can help you establish really great habits that can pay huge dividends in and out of the gym. It took me 8+ years to try to and now I wish I had started much earlier.

Favorite thing to do in Tokyo?

  • CrossFit - Skating the streets - Exploring new places / things


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Tokyo, Minato-Ku,
Nishi Azabu 3-13-3 B1F

TEL 03 6384 5639
週日 Weekdays 09:00 - 22:00
週末 Weekends 09:00 - 14:00


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