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Athlete Spotlight: Risako

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Risako has been doing CrossFit for 9 months. She was motivated to start a physical activity and chose CrossFit after learning about it from a friend who was already doing it. She enjoys the challenge of learning new movements and feeling her strength improve. The supportive and encouraging atmosphere with fellow participants also makes the experience enjoyable for her. Risako admires Eri, a fellow member who is a former Olympian and finds inspiration in her abilities. Her favorite CrossFit workout involves pull-ups and bar exercises, and she takes pride in her progress in pull-ups. Her advice to others considering CrossFit is to give it a try, even without a sporting background, as she herself experienced significant growth and transformation. Outside of CrossFit, Risako recommends a place called ITAEWON BOWLS in Tokyo, which offers a discount to CFNA members and serves delicious high-protein salad bowls.



色々ありますが、やっぱり新しいMovementができた時や強くなったことを実感できた時は最高に嬉しいです。周りもそれを褒めてくれるし、とっても温かい環境です。 あとはみんなとメニューの内容やWorkoutの感想について話してる時は最高に楽しいです。笑

憧れている人、もしくは目指している人はいますか? またそれはなぜですか?
CFNAのメンバーのえりさん。 元オリンピアンで、本当に何をやらせても速い、強い。 いつも彼女を目標にしてるので、自然と自分も強くなってゆく…とってもありがたい存在です。 プライベートも仲良しです❤️

Pull upとか鉄棒系。 最近かなり懸垂もできるようになってきました!

私は特段スポーツのバックグラウンドがなく、ビキナークラスでも腹筋がほとんどできないくらいひ弱でした。笑 でも身体を動かすことの大切さや、どんどん強くなったり、成長することの楽しさに気付いて…今では週に5回は通うくらい、CrossFitのトリコになっています。少しでもCrossFitに興味があるなら、ぜひ一度試してみてください!

BOX近くのITAEWON BOWLSは、CFNA割引もあるし高タンパク質なサラダボウルもあって美味しいのでおすすめです!

How long have you been doing CrossFit?
9 months

Where did you find us? What made you decide to start?
I wanted to start doing something physical..! When I was thinking about it, a friend of mine was doing CrossFit and I heard about it, and I thought I could do my best in a training environment with multiple people. That's when I first went to Nishi-Azabu for a free consultation!

What have you enjoyed most about doing CrossFit?
There are many things, but I am most happy when I can do a new Movement or feel that I am getting stronger. The people around me praise me for it and it's a very warm environment. I also have the most fun when I'm talking to everyone about the menu and how they feel about the workout. LOL.

Is there anyone you admire or aspire to be like? And why?
Eri, a member of CFNA. She is a former Olympian and is really fast and strong in everything she does. I always aim at her, so naturally I get stronger too... I am very grateful to her. We are also good friends in our private life. ❤️

What is your favourite CrossFit workout?
Pull ups and bars. I've been getting pretty good at pull-ups lately!

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about starting?
I don't have any particular sporting background and I was so weak that I could hardly do sit-ups even in Bikiner class. But I realised the importance of physical exercise and the fun of getting stronger and growing... I'm now a CrossFit fanatic and go to CrossFit five times a week. If you are at all interested in CrossFit, give it a try!

Do you have any recommendations for places to go in Tokyo?
I recommend ITAEWON BOWLS near the BOX because they have a CFNA discount and delicious high protein salad bowls!


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カスタリア広尾 B1F

Tokyo, Minato-Ku,
Nishi Azabu 3-13-3 B1F

TEL 03 6384 5639
週日 Weekdays 09:00 - 22:00
週末 Weekends 09:00 - 14:00


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