what is CrossFit?
ACROSS FITNESSでは、ランニング、ボート漕ぎ、体操、ウェイトリフティングを組み合わせた短時間の高強度ワークアウトを実施。"簡単に言えば、クロスフィットほど、体を引き締め、強くし、自信を持たせてくれるものはない"
ACROSS FITNESS, based in Tokyo, is dedicated to empowering its community members to maintain a fit and active lifestyle for the long term.
“Simply put, nothing will make & keep you lean, strong and confident like CrossFit”
No Sweat Introduction
FREE 20min No Sweat Introduction to CrossFit.
Please book a time when you can come in and meet one of our coaches for a chat about how we can help you achieve your goals.