Athlete Spotlight: Shion
Shion has been doing CrossFit for less than six months. She decided to start after seeing an Instagram post and wanting a change from her previous boxing gym. Shion's main goal is to be able to eat without guilt and enjoy the changing daily workouts. She appreciates the progress she makes each day and enjoys the sense of community with friends who also do CrossFit. Since starting, she has noticed visible muscle gain and improved performance in their hobby of playing Golf. Shion's advice to newcomers is to embrace the learning curve, celebrate achievements, and join the welcoming environment, especially starting with the beginner course.
元々、別のボクシングジムに通っていましたが、少し違った運動をしたいと思っていた頃、Instagramの投稿を見て、 Crossfitに興味を持ちました。飽き性な自分にとって毎日メニューが違うところが魅力的だと思い通い始めました。
日々の積み重ねで少しずつ出来ることが増える楽しさがあります。また、仲間と同じメニューをこなすので、クロス フィットに通っている人たちとも仲良くなり、クロスフィットに通うモチベーションの一つになります。
CrossFit を始めて日常生活で変化を感じたことはありますか?
クロスフィットは特殊な動きも多く、慣れるまで少し時間がかかると思いますが、日々の積み上げで先週よりもタイム が縮んだとか、重さを増やすことが出来たとか、お腹周りの脂肪が減ったなど、目に見える達成感があると思いま す。女性の方も多く、トレーナーの方も皆とても親切です。誰でも通いやすい環境だと思うので、少しでも興味のある方 は是非ビギナーコースから参加してほしいです!
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
Around half a year
What made you decide to start?
I originally went to another boxing gym, but when I was looking for something a little different to exercise, I saw a post on Instagram and became interested in Crossfit. I started going because I was bored and thought the fact that the menu was different every day was appealing to me.
Do you have any goals or objectives?
I try to go through it to eliminate as much guilt as possible so that I can eat more of the foods I like.
What is the most enjoyable thing about doing CrossFit?
It's a fun way to gradually increase what you can do on a daily basis. Also, because I do the same menu with my friends, I get to know them better, which is one of the motivations for me to go to CrossFit.
Have you noticed any changes in your daily life since you started CrossFit?
I have gradually gained visible muscle mass and increased my distance in golf, which I used to do as a hobby.
What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about starting CrossFit?
CrossFit has a lot of special moves and it takes a little time to get used to them, but you get a tangible sense of achievement when you build up your days and see that your time is shorter than last week, or that you have increased the weight, or that you have lost fat around your stomach. There are a lot of women here and the trainers are all very kind. I think it's an environment where anyone can easily come and join, so if you're at all interested, I'd definitely recommend starting with the beginner course.